
All about me and the website.
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The Guy

Minecraft addict, sitcom lover , 20 years old, asthmatic, transgender, boyfailure, literally him, shark enthusiast, heartstopper HATER, high school failure, fake idgafer, father of 3, horrible gamer, emoji enjoyer, men liker, shitty bilingual, yapper, 2 years on therapy, ao3 member, owner of a 7 kg cat. I AM CRINGE BUT I AM FREE.

The Website

Probably not the most efficient place to clarify this but this website was made on a 1920x1080 monitor with mozilla Firefox.
I started learning HTML + CSS around november 2024, over the summer holidays. I learned pretty much everything through the MDN courses, plus looking at others people codes and searching for whatever I couldn't figure out how to do. I'm still very much a newbie and would advice NO ONE to look at my code because it is disgusting 😍
It took me a while to figure out there were templates and stuff the community put together so this is just built from scratch (hence why it looks so ugly), tho I think it makes it more fun to me. I found out about the indie web through YouTube, mainly different people showing their own websites, and thought it was so cool, when I heard HTML wasn't so hard to learn I wanted to dive right in, there is something so interesting and exciting about, after being on the web pretty much since forever,learning how websites work and what goes on behind one, getting the ability to make one yourself !!! Even when I wrote my first lines of very basic HTML (and they actually worked) I was so excited lol I still have a lot to learn and add to this website to make it better but I'm very willing to do so and would be happy to accept any criticism or help, especially about coding ^^
Tools: VSC, Krita, my 10 year old Wacom.